Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Part 2

Ok so I am back from my parents house, it is always interesting driving back into Rexburg, its not even the same city I grew up in! It just amazes me. Anyways, my brother Royce and his family were out there and he has a 3 year little boy named Gabriel and for the longest time he would say mom, dad, grandma and grandpa, now he calls me nana and my sister Amy, Mimi, which we figure for the rest of our lives we are going to be called that cause his baby sister is going to pick up those names and so I am going to be Nana! Its ok I love it actually its adorable. I always think its so special when your neices or nephews come up with little nicknames. For the longest time my nephew kayde and Kellen everytime they saw an army person they would point at it and say aunt Jana. Too cute. Anyways, we had a really great Father's Day, even though I wish Joey could have been there. We had a great BBQ and its nice to just sit down with everyone and catch up! Anyways I was going to take pictures, but just got too caught up in everything and I forget,oh well, til next post!

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