Monday, June 23, 2008

Palisades dam crazy fishing trip!!

So yesterday after a fun day of shopping and hanging out with my family, me, Joey and his brother Adam decided that we were going to go nite fishing up at Palisades Dam. once we got up there it was great conditions, it wasnt even cold so I was excited, we get all set up to start and Im just sitting there watching them fish and I leaned back and all of a sudden something was biting me, I totally freaked out and I looked back and it was a little mouse, just sitting there staring at me!! I screamed so loud, Joey thought something was killing me! So after being freaked out by that, I moved away from the rocks and was just sitting there trying to get readjusted, then next thing you know a mouse runs across my leg and then another and then one was sitting right next to me. So I was totally freaked out! Then a mouse decided to run up my shirt and that was enough, I let out a shrill!! joey just thought it was all funny, but I had so had enought. After I shook all my clothes out, I look up and there was a skunk maybe 10 feet from us so Joey and Adam are all shining their lights on it and I am like where can I hide so they follow it for awhile. I was so done I was just sitting there and then next thing you know another mouse ran across me and I was like Joey give me the keys I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DONE!!!! So now I am all creeped out by nature!! ugh! Yea they are just little mice but I dont want them crawling all over me ugh!!
Here is a picture of one of the fish Joey caught last night! He's so great!!!