Friday, June 27, 2008

Swimming lessons

Well Kailey is going full force with her swimming lessons and she loves it!! She is just a natural, thats all she is about right now "when can I go swimming again". We decided this year to have a swimming birthday party for her so she is really excited that she will be able to get in the pool and not always have to be holding on to someone! Its funny when she is doing her floating exercizes her legs are so long! She is getting so tall and its hard to believe she is starting kindergarten this year! Here are some pics of her!








Monday, June 23, 2008

Palisades dam crazy fishing trip!!

So yesterday after a fun day of shopping and hanging out with my family, me, Joey and his brother Adam decided that we were going to go nite fishing up at Palisades Dam. once we got up there it was great conditions, it wasnt even cold so I was excited, we get all set up to start and Im just sitting there watching them fish and I leaned back and all of a sudden something was biting me, I totally freaked out and I looked back and it was a little mouse, just sitting there staring at me!! I screamed so loud, Joey thought something was killing me! So after being freaked out by that, I moved away from the rocks and was just sitting there trying to get readjusted, then next thing you know a mouse runs across my leg and then another and then one was sitting right next to me. So I was totally freaked out! Then a mouse decided to run up my shirt and that was enough, I let out a shrill!! joey just thought it was all funny, but I had so had enought. After I shook all my clothes out, I look up and there was a skunk maybe 10 feet from us so Joey and Adam are all shining their lights on it and I am like where can I hide so they follow it for awhile. I was so done I was just sitting there and then next thing you know another mouse ran across me and I was like Joey give me the keys I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DONE!!!! So now I am all creeped out by nature!! ugh! Yea they are just little mice but I dont want them crawling all over me ugh!!
Here is a picture of one of the fish Joey caught last night! He's so great!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Oh my, my day yesterday was one of the craziest i have had in a long time. So I was getting my hair dyed and highlighted yesterday and I had planned on maybe 3 hours, but oh boy was I wrong, since my hair is so long 5 hours later i finally had the color andhighlights done. And me getting blonde in my hair is a miracle, but YEA its there!!!! Then it took an additional hour to straighten it! So by 2 I was finally out of there, had missed my Dr appointment for the 2nd time this week and had to totally haul to get ready, so I run to the store to get everything for the BBQ and then I run to the shoe store to buy Joey's belated Father's DAy gift, then I run home, throw on makeup trying to make myself look presentable, mess with my hair for a minute, throw on nice clothes and leave, having to run my bro in law Adam to work. Then lol Adam told me my shirt was cut to low and I had to go buy a shirt to go under it, so i run to Walmart, buy a tanktop to go under it and I get a call from Joey, he's home and I still haven't picked up Kailey, UGH!!! So I run over to get KAiley and that always takes a few minutes and then we go over to the armory to get Joey. I was sooooooo glad to see him, but we were still under a time crunch, we had 30 minues to get him home and get him ready to go to a family BBQ at 4:30. As soon as Joey got home he laid down on the bed and I knew we were in trouble, so i got his clothes went in there and was like if I have to dress you myself I will lol. He finally got ready. So we were off to the BBQ. We get there and my entire family is there, we havent been together for awhile. My nieces are getting so big and they are so cute. Brooklynn is so close to walking and Tyree is just adorable. The boys are crazy like always. The food was sooooo good. My sister is an awesome cook and after banana splits, we were finally ready to go home. As soon as we got home Joey sat down on the couch and he just zoned out for a couple hours lol. It was so hot in our apartment and I have been used to hogging all the fans when I sleep for the last 2 weeks, but last nite it ended up being me, joey, kailey, Baby our dog and kiki one of our cats all on the bed, oh man its 1030am and I already need a nap!!! LOL, anyways, it was a fun day and joey just has 2 days left of Guard before he is off the hook for awhile, it will be nice to just have him home for a whole day and be able to relax. Oh and I also get to go and pick up my new car this weekend! YEA!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Realizing how precious life is!!

When you have a lot of medical problems its amazing how your outlook onlife changes. You take every moment you have and make it the best. For awhile this winter I let my disease get ahold of me and get me down and it took alot of love from my family and friends to realize that I need to get back out there and keep living my life. I mean none of us never really know when we are going to go. I am blessed with amazing doctors who stay on top of my problems and take care of me to the best of their abilities. I am also blessed with an amazing support system. I dont know what I would do without my family and friends. Recently one of my friends was diagnosed with cancer for the 3rd time and she completely amazes me. She just keeps going and fighting and not letting anything get her down. I wish I could be half as strong as her!!! So I just want to say Steph you and your family are in your prayers and I know you are going to beat this again. I love you girl!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Part 2

Ok so I am back from my parents house, it is always interesting driving back into Rexburg, its not even the same city I grew up in! It just amazes me. Anyways, my brother Royce and his family were out there and he has a 3 year little boy named Gabriel and for the longest time he would say mom, dad, grandma and grandpa, now he calls me nana and my sister Amy, Mimi, which we figure for the rest of our lives we are going to be called that cause his baby sister is going to pick up those names and so I am going to be Nana! Its ok I love it actually its adorable. I always think its so special when your neices or nephews come up with little nicknames. For the longest time my nephew kayde and Kellen everytime they saw an army person they would point at it and say aunt Jana. Too cute. Anyways, we had a really great Father's Day, even though I wish Joey could have been there. We had a great BBQ and its nice to just sit down with everyone and catch up! Anyways I was going to take pictures, but just got too caught up in everything and I forget,oh well, til next post!

Father's Day

Well I hope that everyone out there who is a father has an amazing day. Today I am going up to Rexburg to spend the day with my dad. I am so blessed to have him as my father, I dont know where i would be or what I would do without him! Joey is still gone wtih the guard, I feel bad cause he is missing father's day!!! HE is such an amazing dad, I just am in awe when I watch him with Kailey, but my family has decided to do Father's day again on Thursday when he gets home just so he wont be left out! He missed his birthday earlier this year because he was gone to Alabama for training so we threw him a birthday party when he got home, hopefully he will be able to start being home for these things and cross my fingers that they dont go back to Iraq like they have been talking about!! Well enjoy your father's day!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Waiting for Joey

So I am just writing a random blog cause Joey is gone and the dog and cats aren't that great of company. I am really looking forward to this summer. We have started to plan so many fun things and it will be great to just start the summer out with alot of fun activities. We are planning on doing lots of camping now that we have our trailer and of course lots more fishing. We are planning a BBQ with all the army guys once they get home, so that will be exciting and of course even though this is near the end of summer Kailey and Kellen will both be turning 5 and starting kindergarten, SCARY!!!!! Brooklynn will be turning 1 and Jon and Nicole are having their baby girl, so there are lots of exciting things happening this year. My cousin Kyle is getting married in July, its amazing, it seems just like yesterday we were all little kids and now we are all grown up going to at least one wedding a year and having kids of our own. Me and Joey are throwing the baby word around and we will see what happens, we plan on sitting down with all my doctors and seeing what they say and hopefully in a year or so there will be another little Schmidt running around this place, anyways, enough with the boredom blog



I have been trying to figure out how to put this slideshow on this webpage and everything I have tried just isnt working, so I am putting it in a post for now cause I am just not as smart as all these computer guru's but I am determined to figure it out, come hell or high water


There is no other way in the Schmidt family to start the summer off unless its by fishing, we have already made several trips up to Palisades dam to do the night fishing adventure, let me tell you at 4 am it starts to get really cold up there and a little creepy, they crawl right down on the rocks near the spillwells, not the huge ones but the flat one you can see when you pull up, if you arent familiar with Palisades you have no idea what I am talking about lol, But its pretty scary. They had an amazing time catching over 50 fish each time. We also went out to the kids pond to let Kailey have a go at fishing, she of course is now all grossed out by the fish and wont go near them, when last summer all she wanted to do was pick them up and hold them, she is becoming the girly girl we always had a feeling she would be, our little princess. And to top it off Joey and his brother Adam and their dad went up to Henry's Lake and got record size fish and are sending them to the taxedermist so now I have to get used to having a fish hanging on my wall, its def going to take some gettiing used to!

Joey at Palisades

Kids Pond, Why not swim too while we are there!!




Henry's Fork Trip